| Finstasleiden | @finstasleiden | FINSTAS


FINSTAS is a study association of Leiden University, founded for students of the master's programmes ‘Financieel Recht’ and the Advanced Master Law & Finance, as well as bachelor students with a specific interest in financial law. Our association is based on three pillars, namely:

I. Connecting people with a specific interest in financial law, by discovering the dynamics of financial law together;
II. Facilitating the professional development of students by introducing them to firms, companies, authorities, and scholars specialised in financial law; and
III. Enthusing prospective master students in studying financial law.

In furthering these pillars, FINSTAS organizes events such as guest lectures, firm visits, movie nights and networking drinks. Feel free to send us an email if you have questions about FINSTAS and the events we organize, or if you are interested in a collaboration